Upcoming Workshops

Oaxaca Art Vacation

January 5 - 14, 2015

Glen Rogers leads you on a magical trip to Oaxaca, Mexico with an opportunity to enjoy printmaking, papermaking, galleries and museums, excursions to Artesan Villages and archeological sites. Enjoy 10 days in the beautiful, colonial city of Oaxaca known for its cuisine, crafts and architecture.
Accommodations - Casa Colonial – A beautiful hacienda style B&B with covered verandas and lush tropical gardens, a gracious living room and library, delicious Oaxaca home-style food

$1850USD Includes 10 nights at the B&B w. breakfast, 5 day printmaking workshop, 1 day papermaking, Van transportation to Artesan Villages.  Requires $200 deposit to secure your space.

Solarplate Printing with Dan Welden
February 2 – 6, 2015

3 day Solarplate Printing with Dan Welden2 day Print Lab with Glen Rogers$700USD Does not include airfare or accommodations

Solarplate is an artistic method of making multiple images on paper without sweat, blood and
tears.  Learn and study this simple technique from master printmaker, Dan Welden, the early pioneer of
safer and healthier printmaking.The Solarplate is a light-sensitized polymer printing plate that accepts all
kinds of drawings, paintings or photographic images on acetate, photocopies, and/or digital
positives from transparent film. Artists can experience painting freely and directly on the
Solarplate surface and create a matrix capable of yielding many impressions. Alternatively,
artists can work through traditional or digital approaches on transparent film or specially
prepared ‘grained’ glass. Participants will be able to produce several 8x10 inch images during
this intensive workshop. 

All workshops are suitable for beginners to advanced.

For more information: Contact me at glen@glenrogersart.com